A thought-provoking look at the year 2050, how will the current socio-demographic groups evolve and what are the far future trends set to impact on Gen X, Y, and Z.
With the rapid growth in AI and the emergence of global, mobile and conscious workforces, what will the future of work look like and how can we adapt for these changes now.
Online, offline or omni-channel, a great deal has been made of the demise of the high street, but what are the innovations that will really drive the future of retail.
Global manufacturing has hit all-time lows, will the way we make our goods be from new materials, digital processes, or robotic. Or, does this natural slow down usher in a more ethical and sustainable future.
An insight into the world of trend forecasting, the methodology, resources, key players and how to develop your own ‘slow trend’ techniques for an ever-evolving and more conscientious industry.
An A-Z beginner’s guide on how to set up your own fashion or craft business covering the key aspects of product, sales, marketing, production, finance and resources and taking in to account latest practices and opportunities.
A thought-provoking look at the year 2050, how will the current socio-demographic groups evolve and what are the far future trends set to impact on Gen X, Y, and Z.
With the rapid growth in AI and the emergence of global, mobile and conscious workforces, what will the future of work look like and how can we adapt for these changes now.
Online, offline or omni-channel, a great deal has been made of the demise of the high street, but what are the innovations that will really drive the future of retail.
Global manufacturing has hit all-time lows, will the way we make our goods be from new materials, digital processes, or robotic. Or, does this natural slow down usher in a more ethical and sustainable future.
An insight into the world of trend forecasting, the methodology, resources, key players and how to develop your own ‘slow trend’ techniques for an ever-evolving and more conscientious industry.
An A-Z beginner’s guide on how to set up your own fashion or craft business covering the key aspects of product, sales, marketing, production, finance and resources and taking in to account latest practices and opportunities.